Publications & Presentations
Y. David, C. Borras, M. Secca:
Medical Imaging Requirements for a Rural Health Center"
World Health
Organization (WHO), 3rd Global Forum on Medical Devices, Geneva,
Switzerland, May 11, 2017.
Y. David:
"From the Research Lab to
the Bedside"
AAMI Annual Conference & Expo, June 11, 2017, Austin, Texas.
Y. David:
"Reframing Product Life
Cycle for Medical Devices"
Chapter 1, Managing Medical Devices Within a
Regulatory Framework, Elsevier Inc. Publishing, 2017.
M. Funk, J.T. Clark, Y. David:
"Clinical Alarms Management"
Proceedings of the World Congress on Medical Physics
and Biomedical Engineering, Toronto, Canada, June 7-12, 2015.
Y. David, S, Eagles, K. Fuchs, T. Cohen, P. Raymond, T. Cooper:
"Managing Risks of Integrated Systems and Networks in Healthcare Environments"
AAMI Annual Conference and Expo, Denver, CO, June 2015.
Y. David, C. Boras, F. Hosea:
"Disaster Preparedness Program for Health Facility’s Technology Managers"
Sixth European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and
Biological Engineering, IFMBE proceedings, Vol. 45, p. 1015, Dubrovnik,
Croatia, September 7-11, 2014.
Y. David:
"The Role of Safety and
Quality throughout Medical Devices Life Cycle"
Clinical Engineering Advisory
Council, Shanghai, China, Sept. 24, 2013.
Y. David:
"Regulation and Standards
in Medical Device Management"
Clinical Engineering Advisory Council, Shanghai,
China, Sept. 25, 2013
Y. David, W. Hyman, J. Wear:
Event Investigation of Medical Product"
2012 World Congress Medical Physics
and Biomedical Engineering, International Federation of Medical and Biological
Engineering (IFMBE), Beijing, China, May 26-31, 2012.
Y. David:
"Event Investigation – How Did It Happen?"
2010 FBS Symposium, Florida Biomedical Society, Orlando, Florida,
October 21-24, 2010.
Y. David:
"Risk Management/Safety and
Human Factors,"
2010 Chinese Congress of Clinical Engineering & Digital
Medicine and the 11th Annual Meeting of Medical Engineering Society
of Chinese Medical Association, Shanghai, China, September 9, 2010.
J. Browning, D. Walding, J. Klasen,
Y. David:
"Vibration Issues of Neonatal Incubators During In-Hospital
Journal of Clinical Engineering, Vol. 33, No. 2, April/June 2008,
pgs. 74-77.
D. Korniewicz, T. Clark, and Y.
"A National Online Survey on the Effectiveness of Clinical Alarms,"
American Journal of Critical Care, Vol 17, No. 1, January 2008, pgs. 36-41.
Y. David, W. D. Paperman, J. Hibbets:
"Electromagnetic Interference in the Hospital"
Chapter 63, Clinical Engineering Handbook, J. Dyro, Elsevier Academic Press,
Y. David:
"Telemedicine: Clinical
and Operational Issues"
Chapter 101, Clinical Engineering Handbook, J.
Dyro, Elsevier Academic Press, 2004.
Y. David, and E.G. Jahnke:
"Planning Hospital Medical Technology Management,"
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, pgs. 2050-2056, pg. 73-79, May/June
J.A. Coss-Bu, D. Walding, Y. David, and L.S.
"Dead Space Ventilation in Critically Ill Children With Lung Injury,"
Clinical Investigations in Critical Care,
Chest, 123, 6, June, 2003.
Y. David, W.W. von Maltzahn, M.R. Neuman, and J.D. Bronzino:
Engineering, Principles and Applications in Engineering Series,"
CRC Press,
G. Miller, F. Stein, R. Trevino, Y.
David, C. F. Contant, and L. S. Jefferson:
"Rectal-Scalp Temperature Difference Predicts Brain Death in Children,"
Pediatric Neurology, Vol. 20 No. 4, Elsevier Sciences, Inc., April 1999.
Y. David, J.A. Coss-Bu, D. Walding, R.C. Sachdeva, W.J. Klish,
and L.S. Jefferson:
"Lung Injury (L1) and Dead Space Ventilation (DSV) In
Critically Ill Children,"
American Thoracic Society, 1999 International
Conference, San Diego, California, April 1999.
Y. David, J.A. Coss-Bu, D. Walding, R.C. Sachdeva, W.J. Klish,
and L.S. Jefferson:
"In Vitro Validation if a Mass Spectrometer Based Metabolic
System (MS),"
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 155
(4: Part 2 of 2): A403, 1997.
Y. David:
" The
Biomedical Engineering Handbook"
Clinical Engineering Section Editor, CRC
Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, 1995.
Y. David:
"Electrical Safety
and Risk Control,"
Chapter 6, in Critical Care Monitoring/From Pre-Hospital
to the ICU, Edited by R.L. Levine and R.E. Fromm Jr., Mosby-Year Book, Inc. St
Louis, Missouri, 1995.
Y. David:
"Safety and
Risk-Control Issues,"
Chapter 109 in the Electrical Engineering Handbook,
Editor-in-Chief, R.C. Dorf, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1993
Y. David, A. Wald:
"Codes, Standards,
and Regulations"
Chapter in ‘Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and
Instrumentation’, John G. Webster (editor), Wiley, Interscience,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1988.
Awards & Honors
2017 |
Honorary Dean, Clinical Engineering, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China.
2017 |
Inducted into the Academy of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, WVU, Morgantown, W.Va.
2016 |
Honorary Member, the Italian Clinical Engineers Association (AIIC).
2014 |
Distinguished Professional Achievement and Service, The Academy of Distinguished Alumni, Lane Dept. of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, WVU, Morgantown, W.Va.
2013 |
Distinguish Leadership Award for exceptional contribution to the clinical engineering profession in China.
2011 |
Life Time Achievement Award, American College of Clinical Engineering (ACCE).
2008 |
Robert L. Morris International Humanitarian Award, American College of Clinical Engineering (ACCE)/Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI).
2006 |
Patient Safety Award, Texas Children’s Hospital CEO.
2003 |
Visiting Professor, Tec De Monterrey, School of Medicine, Mexico.
2002 |
Visiting Professor, Chinese PLA Postgraduate Medical School.
2001 |
Commissioner’s Special Citation – Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Recognition Recipient.
1999 |
Fellow, American College of Clinical Engineering.
1992 |
Founding Fellow, the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE).
1974 |
Eta Kappa Nu Association - National Honorary Association of Electrical Engineering.